Basic Salon Air Purifier with Active Carbon Filtration by Aerovex Systems (formerly Modern Solutions)

RK-608121   APS
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Basic Salon Air Purifier by Aerovex Systems (formerly Modern Solutions). The One That Works Air Purifiers and Air Filtration solutions specifically for nail salons. These nail salon chemical air purifiers help your salon maintain a healthy environment for you and your clients.

Your Nail Salon will Meet and Exceed E.P.A. and OSHA Clean Air Standards!
Most artificial nail products, and the activities involved in applying them, create vapors, dust, and even bacteria. These pollutants can cause irritation of the nose, throat, eyes, or skin. Headaches, dizziness, and other problems can be the result of systemic effects, when a chemical is absorbed into your bloodstream.

The The One That Works salon air purifier was made exclusively for the ventilation system needs of the nail salon industry. It is completely capable of solving all of your salons air pollution problems; resulting in happier and healthier customers and employees.

Absorbs Chemical Fumes / Odors:
  • Monomer & Acetone
  • Associated acrylic odors
  • Color and Perm odors
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Nail Dust
  • Hair Clippings
  • Pollens
  • Bacteria
Features / Specifications:
  • 2 speeds: cleans 400-600 cubic feet per minute. (Low speed is quiet/High speed is used for chemical spills or to rapidly clean the air).
  • Motor: 128 h.p./1550 rpm.
  • Is designed to run 24 hours/day on either speed
  • Is Completely Portable (15"h x 16.5"w) (Base unit 21 lbs/4-Plate 25 lbs/ 6-Plate 26 lbs/ 8-Plate 27 lbs) 3 wheel cart availble to increase mobility.
  • Is very economical: High Speed-135 Watts/Low Speed-90 Watts
  • Uses 6 lbs of 50% Activated Carbon/50% Metalgone mixture
  • Machine Washable Dust Filter: Polyurethane foam filter filters Nail Dust and other particles as small as one micron!

    Which Model Is For Me?
    To choose the best model for your business:

    Know the Following Information:
      1. What is the Square Footage of your salon?
      2. How many Nail Technicians are working at once?
      3. What is the Ceiling Height?
      4. Do you have Tile/Carpet or both?
    Then Refer to the Following Table:

      Base Model
      4-Plate Purifier
      6-Plate Purifier
    Sq. Ft.
    # of Nail Techs
    # of Stylists

    Tips and Notes:
    Carpeting tends to be an odor trap. The monomer, acetone, perm and color odors migrate to the floor. Carpet needs to be shampooed seasonally to prevent odor accumulation. Old, soiled carpet should be removed.

    Sometimes vapors are readily apparent because of a distinctive odor. However; just because you can't smell anything doesn't mean there are no vapors present. The human nose is not equally sensitive to all chemicals, and some vapors deaden your sense of smell, meaning you won't smell them after just a few minutes of exposure. The vapors from chemicals used in the salon, such as monomer and acetone, aren't lethal; but some of them can inflame the delicate membranes of the eyes, nose, and lungs. This irritation will cause a burning or itching sensation, which is a warning sign that you need to reduce your exposure to vapors. The One That Works will replace these vapors with fresh air.