Togatta 5-1/2" Diamond Ergonomic Shear

TK Togatta
VO-226458   TK-V55B
Salon/Spa Price: $104.93
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Togatta 5-1/2" Diamond Ergonomic Shear. Crafted with precision and excellence in mind, the Togatta 5-1/2" Diamond Ergonomic Shear is the ultimate tool for professionals seeking the highest quality in their equipment. Made from the finest V-10 Cobalt Stainless Steel, this shear is exceptionally durable and designed to last. The convex-edged blades are expertly honed to provide sharp yet soft cutting, allowing for precise and accurate results. The ergonomic offset handle ensures long-term comfort, even during extended use. The removable finger rest allows for customization and added comfort.

Not only is this shear high-performing, it's also visually stunning. The adjustable tension screw is adorned with a sparkling blue Swarovski Crystal, adding a touch of elegance to the design. Each shear comes packaged in a deluxe case with 2 finger inserts, oil and a cleaning cloth.

Experience the luxury of the Togatta brand - the finest quality shears designed for precision soft cutting with perfected blade alignment. Invest in the Togatta 5-1/2" Diamond Ergonomic Shear and take your professional results to the next level.


  • Expertly honed convex-edged blades provide sharp yet soft cutting and maintain sharpness.
  • Ergonomic offset handle for long term comfort and removable finger rest
  • The adjustable tension screw is adorned with a sparkling blue Swarovski Crystal
  • Comes packaged in a deluxe case with 2 finger inserts, oil and a cleaning cloth