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Pure Spa Blog Posts!

June 23, 2024
Soothing Summer Body Treatment!

As we near the end of June, I've had quite a few conversations with clients gearing up for their summer menu options. Many have asked about body treatments for skin...

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Mud - Making The World A Better Place One Person At A Time!

Pretty drastic statement there, right?!?It's the truth, in a way :) When we look our best, we feel our best which in turn tends to make us happier people. Happy...

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The Benefits of Pumpkin in your Beauty Regiment

Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Oreos, it's no news to anyone that when Fall is in the air, pumpkin is in the kitchen. But It's not just in the...

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Allergy Prone Skin or Spring Allergies? Keeping Your Clients Clear

Spring has officially arrived (even if the weather is a bit crazy with these recent storms!) which also means the arrival of allergies. Seasonal allergies manifest not only in the...

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Sensitive Skin? No Problem!

Everyone at some point in their lives has dealt with a sensitive skin issue. Whether dry, itchy skin due to weather changes or from allergies or hormones, it's never fun.Do...

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Emergency Skin Kits- Expect The Unexpected

As everyone knows, nothing always goes exactly as planned especially dealing with the public.Every individual and their bodies will react differently to different items. No matter how skilled you are,...

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Celebrate the Changing Seasons with Soothing Body and Facial Masks

While the change of seasons is very exciting, the transition from Winter to Spring can wreak havoc on your client's skin. The facial skin is typically dehydrated and sensitive, while...

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Facials for Sensitive Skin - The Groundbreaking New Treatment!

One cant help but notice that 2 of the most popular ingredients for facial and body treatments these days are Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid. While they truly are miracle products...

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Searching for the Fountain of Youth? Try Pharmagel...Nature's Prescription for Radiant Skin!

Aren't we all searching for the fountain of youth? Or any skin care product for that matter, that actually helps fight the never-ending battle with aging skin? As I always...

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