One of the biggest trends in the beauty industry right now is light therapy. It's great because it works! It is safe and effective for all skin types and has absolutely no downtime.
Light therapy is most effective when used in sessions, and then maintenance sessions are recommended, based on what a client's goals and conditions are. With immediate ongoing results, clients will be happy to purchase packages.
Tabletop Multiwave LED Light Therapy - LED Treatments in 7 Wavelengths
Photon dynamic technology (uses active cold lights) that helps in producing collagen protein, anti-aging, acne removal, skin repairs and much more. 218 bright LED lights, 100mw each.
7 LED Colors / Treatment:
Red: helps in anti-aging treatment /skin tightening/wrinkle removal/fine lines lifting/toning/ improve metabolism/increase collagen
Blue: treats acne /oily pores/promotes protein and compounding in bones
Purple: Combination of RED & BLUE light for treating acne scars.Combines benefits of both red and blue light
Yellow: Energizes skin cells/cures skin imperfections/enhances immunity
Green: Skin neutralization/balancing/calming/eliminating edema
Orange: Accelerates metabolism
White: Penetrates deep into the skin to improve fine lines & flabby skin
Whether performed as a quick add service or purchased in packages, the profit is countless.
Join the craze and invest in Light Therapy today! Want to see more options? Click here
Light Therapy = Endless Profit