Red Sandalwood Powder / 1 Lb. by AG Naturals
Red Sandalwood Powder / 1 Lb. by AG Naturals. Red Sandalwood Powder is just one of the many interesting and beneficial ingredients from AG Naturals that makes it simple to develop custom treatments and signature menus. Go green with natural treatments!
History and Lore About Red Sandalwood Powder:
Sandalwood has been used throughout the ages for numerous spiritual matters. In its powdered form, Sandalwood provides all of the same desired effects but perhaps with a greater ease of use. Powdered, it is often much easier to use in creating a mixed into a paste to mark icons and the body during rituals of religious devotion, a practice that is common to those of Hindu faith. Others, particularly among Buddhists, also use it to burn on charcoal as incense that aids in transforming desires and finding an inner peace while maintaining alertness in meditation. In neo-pagan traditions, Sandalwood powder has also been applied as a component added can be added to ritual washes and baths, or burned as incense during rituals and spells of purification and healing. In the 1920's and 1930's, sandalwood was quite popular in medicine. The oil was used for the treatment of fevers and indigestion, as well as an aid in healing bruises, and was used both externally and internally for these purposes. Modern study has also shown that sandalwood has some antimicrobial properties, perhaps making it useful in preventing the growth of microbes. Red Sandalwood cannot be expored to Canada.
Size: This is a 1 Lb. package of west african Red Sandalwood Powder.
NOTE: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
AG Naturals ingredients should be used for your custom topical treatments only and not ingested.