Sea Salt - Extra Coarse / 25 Lbs. by AG Naturals
Sea Salt - Extra Coarse / 25 Lbs. Sea Salt Extra Coarse is just one of the many interesting and beneficial ingredients from AG Naturals that makes it simple to develop custom treatments and signature menus. Go green with natural treatments!
History and Lore About Sea Salt Coarse:
Found in the process of the evaporation of seawater, Sea Salt has seen centuries of use among coastal communities for use in cooking and cosmetics. In cooking, the mineral content often provides a different flavor than found in ordinary table salt, and because of this one can sometimes find Sea Salt used in its stead within Gourmet cooking and in specialized potato chips, particularly in the kettle cooked variety. Sea salt was also an important part of the economic situation for some communities, dating as far back as the Roman Empire, where it was often paired with another market, such as cattle distribution, to create a combined product such as salted beef to increase the value of both products. A product of the sea, Sea Salt has long been associated with magic and mysticism. Within these practices it is sometimes used as a wash for magical scrying mirrors, as well as parts of consecration and purification rituals. It is also sometimes used in protective magic and ritual, as well as for the cleansing and purification of crystals. Aside from the frequent culinary use, Sea Salt is perhaps most commonly used today in baths and washes, often used to sooth away aches and pains or otherwise aid in wounded and damaged tissues. Indeed, from this comes the name "bath salts."
Size: This is a 25 Lb. bag of coarse Sea Salt. Note: granule sizes vary widely from 1/6" - 1/4" by batch.
NOTE: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
AG Naturals ingredients should be used for your custom topical treatments only and not ingested.