When people think of getting a massage most think of it as a luxury, not a medical necessity. A new study sponsored by the American MassageTherapy Association shows a rise in people seeking out massage therapy for aid in medical conditions and prevention.
According to the study:
- 75% of individuals claim their primary reason for receiving a massage in the past 12 months was medical (43%) and stress (32%) related. Medical reasons include pain relief, soreness, stiffness or spasms, injury recovery, migraines, prevention, and general well-being.
- 87% of individuals view massage as being beneficial to overall health and wellness.
- 89% of consumers surveyed believe that massage can be effective in reducing pain; with 29% of respondents admitting they have used massage therapy for pain relief.
What is even more exciting is that traditional medical care providers are recommending massage therapy as a viable care option for many health related issues!!!
According to the study
- 50% of respondents indicated that they were encouraged by their doctor to receive a massage.
- 61% of respondents said their physician has recommended they get a massage.
Products such as the Thumper Maxi Pro Massager are helping massage therapists to effectively enhance an already beneficial massage by increasing circulation and releasing muscle tension.
The industry has come a long way in gaining respect and legitimacy from both medical professionals and the general public.