While out for a few drinks with friends recently, I was explaining the different aspects of what we do at Pure Spa Direct. We have such a unique perspective here regarding our clients' needs and the needs of the general spa-going public. Of the different factions in the beauty industry that we cater to, my friends were most eager to discuss the cleanliness of Nail Salons.
It was agreed by all the ladies present that they have serious reservations having their nails done at a location that reuses implements for customer after customer with minimal to no sterilization. Everyone said that they are much more likely to go to a salon that provides a box with their personal implements rather than go to one that just reuses the same buffers, files, cuticle sticks etc. over and over again.
To make your salon stand out, I recommend giving a gratis Personal Implement Box to each of your clients at their first appointment. The few dollars that are laid out to purchase the boxes and supplies will reap increased profits and customer loyalty. You can even retail additonal products for the Implement Boxes so that your client can choose which implements they would like to include in their kits.hoose which products they would like to be personalized.
Click HERE to see Client Personal Implement Boxes available for your purchase.
Click HERE to view items to put into the Personal Implement Boxes.
Client Implement Boxes - Personalized Attention to Cleanliness