Many clients will ask what the most popular scents are at various times during the year. While it is incredibly important to have the right scent(s) to boost business and create a mood, it's also important to remember the power of unscented.
There is a good chunk of people who either are allergic or sensitive to scents, or flat out don't enjoy them for one reason or another. Do you have unscented options for your treatments? Do you have a "scent free" area for clients with severe sensitivities or who may be experiencing migraine symptoms?
Why not ask clients or send out an email poll about it? Get their thoughts on having a scent free section or if there are ever times they would prefer to have an option of scented or unscented. The worst that will happen is they have zero opinion. For those clients who DO have a preference, it will make a huge impression on them by asking....and accommodating their responses.
From massages to nail services, sometimes a simple option can make all the difference!
Scent or No Scent, That Is The Question