Give us a call! We specialize in answering all of your questions when it comes to the latest, and greatest spa machines!
I recently had a client wondering if ultrasonic was right for her. I have been a licensed esthetician/cosmetologist for 11 years, and this is one of my favorite modes of exfoliation! I was so excited to explain the process from start to finish. We discussed how she could bring this service into her spa for under $300, and basically have this paid for in just the few first services! She was thrilled, and so was I. You may often feel like the old saying "You need to spend money, to make money" is an expensive one but I'm here to tell you its not! We have many units available, in all price ranges.
This is what we love to do here at Pure Spa Direct - Lead our clients in the right direction with the perfect products, and equipment to suit their needs.
I look forward to answering any of YOUR questions!
Need Assistance With Picking The Right Facial System?