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AMAZING Resin Incense for Your Spa / Salon...

AMAZING Resin Incense for Your Spa / Salon...

These authentic aromas are so powerful that half a tea spoon on a small charcoal will fill up your entire home or business with a mood transforming scent. Resin incense has been derived from specific trees around the world for thousands of years. It has a uniquely scented history as it has been used for purification, religious purposes, heightening spiritual awareness and bringing pure aromas that date back to ancient times in temples, churches and homes.


  1. To burn resin incense, you need a fire-proof bowl, typically one made from either metal, ceramic or stone that is designed to burn loose incense.
  2. You will also need charcoal and a lighter.
  3. Situate yourself in a ventilated room or area.
  4. Take one charcoal tablet.
  5. Holding the charcoal carefully with your thumb and index finger, light one edge of it until you start to see sparks flickering in the charcoal.
  6. Carefully place the charcoal in the center of the bowl for 1 to 2 minutes, allowing the heat to spread throughout.
  7. Then, take about a half-teaspoon of your favorite resin incense blend and place it on top of the charcoal.
  8. Place the bowl in a safe area that is out of the reach of children, pets and any flammable materials.

Resin Incense: Ajna Chakra - Concentration and Intuition / 2.4 oz. Jar
Pure jasmine essential oil is blended with natural resin incense, herbs, spices and various other essential oils. It is designed in accordance to ancient wisdom to open the third eye and balance the Ajña chakra. Continued use of this resin incense assists in balancing and opening the chakra, and promotes a balanced personality, the ability to concentrate, intuition and spiritual vision. The Ajña Chakra, the sixth energetic center, is situated in the space between the eyebrows. It is highly regarded as the third eye, or the eye of Lord Shiva. It is the center that connects us to the mind element. Prabhuji explains that when this chakra functions well, it is expressed in the ability to concentrate, a balance between the poles of the personality, consciousness of the soul, personal knowledge, intuition, spiritual experiences, thinking power, and a markedly strong will power. On the physical level it manifests as balance in the paired organs, such as the ears, eyes, and kidneys. Made in U.S.A.

Resin Incense: Ananda - Clearing Negativity / 2.4 oz. Jar
This special blend of natural resins, aromatic herbs, spices and essential oils is composed according to ancient wisdom, and blessed to purify and clear the environment from negative impressions and vibrations. Light Ananda Resin Incense and enjoy the transformation of a blissful, peaceful and harmonious environment. Ananda means absolute bliss that is beyond pain and sorrow, but also beyond happiness and pleasure... It is transcendental to the entire cycle of misery... God is ananda, God is bliss, and only by transcending the entire cycle of misery as a whole can you realize absolute bliss, or ananda. Ramakrishnananda resin incense are unique blends of herbs, resins, oils and aromatic woods mixed together and infused with prayers and special mantras. These resin incense are an exotic blends of frankincense, myrrh, copal, amber, pine, lavender, rosemary, orange peel, cinnamon, clove, sandalwood, clay and brown sugar mixed together with a variety of oils and secret mantras creating the perfect pure herbal resin. For a complete purification ceremony use after smudging with "White" or "Dessert" Sage." Made in U.S.A.

Resin Incense: Anahata Chakra - Love and Sensitivity / 2.4 oz. Jar
This is a natural mixture of resins, herbs, spices and essential oils, blended with pure rose extract in accordance to ancient wisdom, to open and balance the Anahata Chakra Continued use of this incense assists in balancing the chakra and increasing harmony, love, optimism and sensitivity toward others. The Anahata Chakra is the forth energetic center and is situated near the heart. This center connects us with the element of air. Prabhuji explains that this chakra is related to security in relationships, sensitivity, sympathy, confidence, love towards oneself and others, kindness, helpfulness, flexibility, health, equilibrium, vital rhythm, optimism, enthusiasm, passion, inner peace, and harmony. When this chakra functions well, the health of the respiratory system also benefits. Made in U.S.A.

Resin Incense: Dhanvantari - Health and Healing / 2.4 oz. Jar
This blend of resins, spices and herbs is highlighted with pure essential oil blend of Lemongrass and Patchouli, specially designed and blessed to heal and increase health and well-being. Dhanvantari is the medical Avatar of Lord Vishnu. He is the origin of the ayurvedic medical science and, through his blessings, Ayurvedic practitioners are able heal their patients, helping them to attain health and well being. He has four hands; in two he holds a chakra and a conch, and in the other two he holds a pot of amrita, or the heavenly nectar of immortality, and medical herbs. Ramakrishnananda resin incense are unique blends of herbs, resins, oils and aromatic woods mixed together and infused with prayers and special mantras. These resin incense are an exotic blends of frankincense, myrrh, copal, amber, pine, lavender, rosemary, orange peel, cinnamon, clove, sandalwood, clay and brown sugar mixed together with a variety of oils and secret mantras creating the perfect pure herbal resin. For a complete purification ceremony use after smudging with "White" or "Dessert" Sage." Made in U.S.A.

Resin Incense: Kama - Love and Attraction / 2.4 oz. Jar
This exotic blend of natural resins, aromatic herbs, spices and essential oils is combined in accordance to ancient wisdom, and blessed to create a sensual and attractive environment. Light half a teaspoon on a piece of charcoal in a fire-proof bowl made of clay or stone, and invite Kama Deva into your heart. Kama is sensual passion and pleasure. Kama Deva, the God of passion and love, stands with his bow ready to shoot arrows decorated with fragrant flowers into lucky hearts. Ramakrishnananda resin incense are unique blends of herbs, resins, oils and aromatic woods mixed together and infused with prayers and special mantras. These resin incense are an exotic blends of frankincense, myrrh, copal, amber, pine, lavender, rosemary, orange peel, cinnamon, clove, sandalwood, clay and brown sugar mixed together with a variety of oils and secret mantras creating the perfect pure herbal resin. For a complete purification ceremony use after smudging with "White" or "Dessert" Sage." Made in U.S.A.

Resin Incense: Lakshmi - Money and Prosperity / 2.4 oz. Jar
This blend of natural resins, aromatic herbs, spices and essential oils is composed and blessed especially to attract prosperity and money. Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual. She grants both worldly prosperity, as well as liberation from the cycle of life and death. The Sanskrit word laksya means aim or goal. Lakshmi, therefore, represents the goal of life, which includes worldly as well as spiritual prosperity. Ramakrishnananda resin incense are unique blends of herbs, resins, oils and aromatic woods mixed together and infused with prayers and special mantras. These resin incense are an exotic blends of frankincense, myrrh, copal, amber, pine, lavender, rosemary, orange peel, cinnamon, clove, sandalwood, clay and brown sugar mixed together with a variety of oils and secret mantras creating the perfect pure herbal resin. For a complete purification ceremony use after smudging with "White" or "Dessert" Sage." Made in U.S.A.

Resin Incense: Manipura Chakra - Self-Confidence and Transformation / 2.4 oz. Jar
In this mixture, a pure lavender essential oil is blended with all-natural resins, aromatic herbs, and other essential oils and spices. This formula was created carefully in accordance to ancient wisdom to stimulate and open the Manipura Chakra. Continued use of this incense helps the chakra to function in a healthy manner, and also promotes self-confidence, vitality, the ability to make changes in one’s life, and contributes to healthy digestion. The Manipura Chakra is the third chakra and is situated near the navel. It is the energetic center that relates to the fire element. Prabhuji explains that when this center is open, one experiences improved self-esteem, confidence, the feeling of lightness, enthusiasm, self-assurance, and the capacity to both accept and execute authority. Healthy functioning of the chakra also improves one’s dynamism, motivation, persistence, trust, ability and power to make changes in life, and promotes healthy digestion. Made in U.S.A.

Resin Incense: Muladhara Chakra - Grounding and Inner Peace / 2.4 oz. Jar
This is a mixture of unadulterated, rich sandalwood oil and powder, blended with natural resins, herbs, spices and pure essential oils. It is formulated according to ancient wisdom, and with the intention to open and stimulate the lowest energetic center, the Muladhara Chakra. Continued use of our Muladhara Resin Incense will help to balance the chakra and the way it functions, promoting stability, confidence and the sense of being grounded. It also facilitates healthy blood, bones and tissues. The Muladhara Chakra, or the base energetic center, is situated at the base of the spine. This center connects us with the element of earth. Prabhuji explains that the chakra is directly linked to the sense of security, survival, confidence, steadiness, and one’s relationship with money, home, work, and the ability to be nourished. Balanced functioning of this chakra leaves us mature, confident, fearless, consistent, peaceful and firm-minded. Made in U.S.A.

Resin Incense: Sahasrara Chakra - Enlightenment / 2.4 oz. Jar
Pure lotus essential oil is blended with natural resin incense, herbs, spices and various other pure essential oils. It is designed in accordance to ancient wisdom to open, stimulate and balance the Sahasrara Chakra. Continued use of this resin incense assists in balancing and opening the chakra, and promotes a balanced personality, the ability to concentrate, intuition and spiritual vision. The Sahasrara Chakra, the seventh energetic center, is situated at the crown of the head. It is the center that connects us to the transcendental, to the Divine. Prabhuji explains that when this center functions in a balanced manner, the human being experiences his or her most elevated level of development in all aspects; a pure and fresh mind, plenitude, interest in religion and spiritual topics, and an attraction to divine consciousness or the call of God. Made in U.S.A.

Resin Incense: Shanti - Peaceful Home / 2.4 oz. Jar
This blend of natural resins, aromatic herbs, spices and essential oils is composed especially to create and bestow peace and harmony. The Sanskrit word Shanti means peace. As happiness increases, mental activity decreases.That internal silence is a state of mental absence... "Only he who knows the Self transcends misery", says the Upanishad... Only when you go beyond the mental level, only by transcending the mind will you realize the Divine...You will know the Self... Ramakrishnananda resin incense are unique blends of herbs, resins, oils and aromatic woods mixed together and infused with prayers and special mantras. These resin incense are an exotic blends of frankincense, myrrh, copal, amber, pine, lavender, rosemary, orange peel, cinnamon, clove, sandalwood, clay and brown sugar mixed together with a variety of oils and secret mantras creating the perfect pure herbal resin. For a complete purification ceremony use after smudging with "White" or "Dessert Sage." Made in U.S.A.

Resin Incense: Surya - Happiness and Joy / 2.4 oz. Jar
This blend of resins, spices and herbs with a pure essential oil blend of Patchouli and Jasmine is specially designed and blessed to increase positivity, as well as happiness and joyfulness. Surya is the Sun God who is considered to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. With a lotus, conch, chakra and mace in his four hands, Lord Surya spreads his radiant rays and bestows light, vitality, nourishment and growth. Ramakrishnananda resin incense are unique blends of herbs, resins, oils and aromatic woods mixed together and infused with prayers and special mantras. These resin incense are an exotic blends of frankincense, myrrh, copal, amber, pine, lavender, rosemary, orange peel, cinnamon, clove, sandalwood, clay and brown sugar mixed together with a variety of oils and secret mantras creating the perfect pure herbal resin. For a complete purification ceremony use after smudging with "White" or "Dessert" Sage." Made in U.S.A.

Resin Incense: Svadhisthana Chakra - Sensuality and Creativity / 2.4 oz. Jar
Natural resins, spices, herbs, and essential oils are blended with the rich essence of vanilla. This blend is formulated according to ancient wisdom to empower the Svadhishthana Chakra. Continued use of this resin incense contributes to the healthy functioning of the chakra, and promotes sensuality, creativity, enthusiasm, as well as physical well being The Swadhishthana Chakra is situated below the navel, the width of two fingers above the first chakra. This center connects us with the element of water. Prabhuji explains that this chakra is associated with desire, pleasure, passion, and creativity. The balanced function of this chakra brings the desire to enjoy things and provides the ability to do so. Healthy functioning of the chakra also promotes health in the gallbladder, liver and nervous system. Made in U.S.A.

Resin Incense: Visuddha Chakra - Communication and Responsibility / 2.4 oz. Jar
This is a blend of the finest natural resins, aromatic herbs, essential oils and spices, with the noticeable presence of eucalyptus essential oil, designed according to ancient wisdom with the intention to open and purify the Vishuddha Chakra. Continued use of this incense assists in improving the function of the chakra and promotes the ability to communicate, express oneself, and strengthens the will to give and share. It also helps to take responsibility and to flow with life, On the physical level, it assists in improving the immune system. The Visuddha Chakra, the fifth energetic center, is situated at the base of the throat. It is the center that connects us with the element of ether. Prabhuji explains that this chakra relates directly to communication, but not only on the verbal level; it is related to our ability to express ourselves. With this understanding, it is related to everything ranging from art to the highest form of communication in meditation, the communion with our Self. On the physical level it is connected with the immune system and clarity of the voice. Made in U.S.A.

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