With the change in seasons and sometimes chaotic weather changes, many people suffer from allergies. From itchy eyes and sneezing to headaches and full body aches, allergies can make people all around miserable.
Are you marketing your massage services to allergy sufferers? Massage is excellent for helping people deal with their allergy symptoms yet most people aren't aware of this! This is where we as massage therapists come in to educate them!
Massage is excellent at treating headaches, body pains, it boost circulation and reduce stress. It's a big circle, the symptoms are stressing the client out which is making them focus on the symptoms, making them worse. If you calm the client while easing their symptoms, the body can focus on dealing with the histamines.
Something as simple as posting a brochure or sign about your allergy relieving treatment will have clients calling to get their session in asap!
Here are some awesome relaxing and clearing essential oils to incorporate into the treatment:
Essential Oil Blend - Clear the Air
Eucalyptus Oils
Peppermint Essential Oil
Lavender Essential Oil
Lemon Essential Oil
Be creative and blend up your own mixes to add into your favorite carrier oil for a clearing facial massage!
Be sure to have extra bottles of essential oils on hand to retail to your clients!
Also, check out the Aroma Pen...perfect to retail with the oils for your clients to have instant on-the-go relief!
Massage For Allergies