I am sure a lot of your clients are looking for beachy blonde locks for the summer. Whether they are wanting highlights or straight out going blonde, you want to make sure you have the best up to date equipment, so you'll have the time to fit in all your clients who are needing your coloring services!
Hair dryer processors are a great alternative to hood dryers that have always been used. The great thing about the Kas Halo Hair Dryer Processor, is that it will be more comfortable for your client and will speed up the processing time. I have been through the process of highlights so many times and can tell you that there is a big difference in the processing time between the hood dryers and the halo type processors.
The Kas Halo Hair Dryer Processor is a halo-shaped heat-source that uses a 360 degree rotary motion to evenly apply radiant heat to produce quicker and more even results. This processor also has an added feature of a fan for the neckline, which will increase client comfort and also has an adjustable heating zone. Quicker processing time leads to more client appointments and increased income for you!
Don't forget to also stock up on all your coloring supplies here at Pure Spa Direct!
Increase Your Coloring Appointments With The Kas Halo Hair Dryer Processor