Each year for the past 5 years, the Global Spa & Wellness Summit (GSWS) has held their annual Student Challenge, involving students from major academic institutions. 2013's focus was to create "the spa and wellness concepts of the future." The 2013 Summit was held in New Delhi, India in October, creating the perfect backdrop for these young innovators.
According to GSWS, Mary Tabacchi, PhD, professor, Cornell University of Hotel Administration and co-director of the Challenge said, "The focus of this year’s challenge is perfect: India, with so many ancient, effective wellness approaches has so much to offer the rest of the world, and these students will apply their business savvy to freshly imagine creative, new concepts."
The winners for the 2013 Challenge included a tie for second place between the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, for its "Saartha" concept: Saartha means "groups traveling together," and this concept targeted the many group weddings and celebrations found throughout India. The other second-place winner was the University of Delhi, New Delhi, for their "Sparsh" concept. "Sparsh" means "touch" in Hindi, and focused on the stressed-out urban workers in India.
The first place honors were awarded to the Institute of Hotel Management, Aurangabad (IHM-A), for their "Arvees Spa Solutions," and the "Spasthya" brand, which means "enlightened health and life" in Hindi. This concept was created to help underserved locals integrate wellness socially, by teaching health, hygiene, and practical wellness, such as healthy cooking classes.
According to Sallie Fraenkel, executive vice president of the GSWS, as quoted in THIS article, “All of us in the industry have a great deal to learn from the students who compete in the annual Student Challenge. IHM-A’s concept stood out for creating a socially progressive spa concept that can be implemented in emerging nations.” ()
In the constantly evolving and changing world we live in, new and fresh ideas are imperative. Here at Pure Spa Direct, we strive to stay on top of trends and provide the products and ideas to keep the spas and salons we work with exciting and empowered to provide the best spa and wellness services to all of their clients.
With 2014 quickly approaching, what new, exciting, or innovation ideas are you contemplating for your business growth next year?
Global Spa & Wellness Summit Announcing Winners of 2013 Annual Student Challenge