As everyone knows, nothing always goes exactly as planned especially dealing with the public.
Every individual and their bodies will react differently to different items. No matter how skilled you are, you can never truly know if a person is going to have a reaction to something you are using on their skin. Whether they left something off of their intake form or for some reason one day their skin is extra sensitive.
Being prepared can not only quickly ease a client's discomfort but it can be the one step that saves that relationship rather than ending it. Most people understand that sometimes things happen and I know if I had a negative reaction to a product and the therapist/technician knew what to do, I'd go back to them. However if they had no idea what to do and freaked out, I would never go back and make sure to let everyone know how poorly the situation was handled.
So how can you be prepared? First you and all of your staff must always be learning and staying on top of news and trends about products and product studies. You also need to pay attention to any physical clues, the faster you can detect a possible negative reaction, the faster you can remedy it. Is the client suddenly becoming red or blotchy? Does the skin feel oddly hot or is the client experiencing undue discomfort? Being tuned into your clients skin and your clients in general is extremely important.
What to do if you notice a client beginning to have a negative reaction to a service or product you are using on them? Keeping an "emergency skin calming kit" is a great idea!
Having some soothing masks that can be mixed and applied quickly can be all that is needed for slight irritations. Here are a few examples:
Calming Mask / 8 oz. by Ayur-Medic Skincare
Calming Mask / 2 oz. by Ayur-Medic Skincare
Dr. Temt Azulene Gelform Mask
Some other items to consider keeping on hand to help calm skin down include:
Gel Calming Pads by NatraGel
Calming Cream / 2 oz. by Ayur-Medic Skincare
Calming Gel / 32 oz. by Amber Products
Calming Cleanse
Calming Ampoule by Rosa Graf
It's a smart investment to keep a few of these items on hand in case of emergency reactions that don't require medical attention. You'll have better peace of mind and your clients will also feel more at ease knowing you're thinking ahead for their comfort and safety!
Emergency Skin Kits- Expect The Unexpected