I was just looking through the Show Preview Guide for the NY IECSC Show March 9-11, 2014 and I
found some excellent spa business and wellness education classes worth mentioning.
On Monday, March 10, 2014, Bryan Durocher will be hosting two awesome classes day spas and medical spas should consider attending!
10:15am - 11:30am - Closing the Big Ticket Sales - How to Get Clients to Make a Serious Investment in Your Services. - Learn the keys to recommending and closing premium services and sales.
3:30pm-4:45pm - How to Hire People Who Upsell, Retail, Series Sell, and Pre-Book Your Clients. Find out how to hire the right people the first time around and discover key interview techniques to determine who is right for your business. If you have ever had the wrong person, you already know how valuable this advice could be!
These two education classes look very appealing to me and the Spa, Medical Spa and Wellness industries Pure Spa Direct serves. We know Spa and wellness professionals rely on IECSC for insightful guidance to grow their businesses and keep them at the forefront of their competitive industries. IECSC has 3 shows in 2014; New York, March 9-11, Las Vegas, June 21-23 and Florida, November 9-10.
For more information about Medical Spa Consulting visit Bryan Durocher's website.
New York Esthetics, Cosmetics & Spa Conference Highlights