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Got Enzymes?

Got Enzymes?

Enzymes are a superhero in skincare. They gently exfoliate and help diminish uneven skin tone and dark spots. Making them ideal for all skin types, but especially for sensitive skin since they are extremely gentle. The enzymes work to exfoliate and open up the pores, providing better penetration of products and more vibrant skin!

How can you add enzymes to your services?

Marine Enzyme Peel

Increase your skincare penetration levels with this Marine Enzyme Peel. This soothing peel gently exfoliates, removing dead skin cells through enzymatic action.

Enzyme Masque by Amber Products

A unique masque packed with papain to effectively dig
est dead skin cells while capturing free radicals and helping prevent environmental damage to the skin. Papain enzymes are extremely effective in dissolving fats to purge and soften the skin (Mix with Papaya Gel).

It removes dead epithelial cells, deep cleans the skin, and removes follicular blockage (comedones and milia). It speeds up the natural skin renewal process leaving skin smooth and supple.

Papaya Purifying Enzyme Masque by June Jacobs

Paraben and preservative-free, this clarifying enzyme masque contains a highly effective combination of papayaā€™s natural fruit enzyme, papain, with extracts of mango and pineapple, to gently dissolve dead surface impurities allowing nourishing oils of sweet almond and borage seed to penetrate, improving tone and elasticity of the skin.

Want more options? Ask us, we have several! Exfoliate away and help your clients achieve their best skin!

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