...and still applicable! Ayurveda is a nearly 5,000 year old science, and one of the earliest adopters of the mantra that "beauty comes from within." This practice focuses on balancing the whole body to enhance beauty and even optimize energy!
The Ayurvedic approach to caring for the skin starts with knowing your dosha. There are three doshas:
This type of skin is thin, dry, fine, and extremely delicate. Their skin is dry, cold to the touch and is not smooth. They are prone to premature wrinkling, especially since they are sun worshippers and tend to be the ones with the darkest tan on the beach. Many different factors disturb vata including stress, excess activity such as aerobics or constant travel, improper diet, the season of autumn, and especially an irregular routine.
This type of skin is susceptible to breakouts and rosacea. They have combination skin with sensitivities to various allergens, and are most sensitive to the sun. A few of the things that cause the skin get out of balance are stress, over working, excess mental activity, improper diet, hot sunny weather, and the summer season.
This type of skin is thicker, oilier, and prone to acne. Some of the causes of a kapha imbalance consist of not enough activity or exercise, improper diet, cold winter weather, and seclusion.
Thinking about incorporating this age old principle into your spa? We have an amazing selection of Ayurvedic products to choose from! From skincare lines, to Copper Shirodhara stands, we could help you bring this new (but very old!) way of beauty into your spa! Take a look at the items we carry below:
Shirodhara Equipment and Oils
Ayur-Medic Skincare
Ayurvedic Spa Treatments DVD
Ayurveda: A Beauty Regimen That's 5,000 Years Old!