The Spa Industry in the United States is growing by leaps and bounds. With over 20,000 locations, 164 million appointments, and $14.7 billion in revenue in 2013 (according to ISPA), there should only be one question in every spa owner's mind: How do I set myself apart from the competition?
Now, I am not saying this is going to be an easy task. It is more than likely that there will always be someone out there who is doing the same things you are, just as well as you. Or the guy on the corner who manages to undercut your pricing each and every time you turn around. Does that mean it is impossible? Certainly not! Follow some of the tips below, and cut out your own little piece of this exploding industry!
1. Use quality products that drive results.
By the way, when I recommend using quality products, I don't necessarily mean "use EXPENSIVE products." For example, we offer the June Jacobs Skin Care line - which is amazingly results driven, high-end, and offers a phenomenal retail line to go along with it. However, the per treatment cost for the June Jacobs masques are some of the lowest we offer! Why wouldn't you want to offer your clients incredible results, save your business some money, and open a fantastic new avenue for revenue for your business, all by choosing one of the top skin care lines in the world?
2. Find your niche, and stick to it.
There will always be someone around the corner who is offering a wider service menu than you. Rather than trying to keep up with the Jones', figure out what you are most passionate about providing. If removing unwanted hair is your thing, be a wax bar! If you love everything skin, focus on facial and body treatments. If you are passionate about it, you will infuse your clients with passion and excitement, and they will keep coming back for more!
3. Focus on your business culture, and market that culture.
Half the fun of visiting a spa is the atmosphere. A huge part of the atmosphere is the culture within your business. When you and your employees are fully immersed in your culture, you will all emanate the passion that you have built your business around. Your clients will be able to feel the environment and atmosphere you are building, and if they connect with it, they will be your clients for life. Focus on what you and your team are passionate about, and your clients will be passionate about your business in return.
3 Ways to Stand Out in a Crowded Spa Market