First impressions can be quite important. Everyone stereotypes people and places on first impression, even if we are reluctant to do it. We all get a first impression of a new place that creates a mental image of all that will follow in our minds. Of course knowing this, you can stack the cards in your favor by making sure you make the right first impression when new clients come to your spa, salon, medical center, etc. A great place to start is attractive / comfy reception furniture!
Pure Spa Direct just added a veritable plethora of super cool reception furniture from BIGA. Chairs, couches, love seats, tables and more... and, they are linked in pieces that match... perfect for those of us who are decor coordination challenged!
You only get one chance to make a first impression... do it with BIGA!
Check 'em all out here:
Make a GREAT First Impression with Attractive Reception Furniture!