The most frequently used towels during spa services are convenient, hand sized towels. Commonly used for removing make-up during a facial, wiping muds, body wraps and clays from skin; hand towels perform essential spa duties. Yet there are many times when no amount of bleach and laundering can get out the deep set stains left behind from these products. What remains are unsightly discolorations that make clients cringe! I personally can't even count how many beautiful, expensive towels I have ruined cleaning my make-up brushes. It's like the make-up becomes permanently fixed to the towel, and the towels ended going in the garbage or to recycling.
So I was so thrilled to see that these new Turkish Make-up Towels have the unparalleled luxury of 100% premium Turkish Cotton for superior durability, softness and absorbency - but they are BLACK to avoid discoloration. Used in many high-end hotels, Turk's Black Makeup Towels make a great alternative to staining pricey spa linens. Machine washable.
Spa Towels Looking Grody? Try Turk Towel's Black Makeup Towels