Now that Valentine's day has passed, are you looking to replace the chocolate service specials with something outside of your usual menu options? Are you just looking to infuse new life into your menu rotation?
Coffee is not only a warm cup of deliciousness, it has incredible skin care properties as well.
Here are just a few of the benefits of coffee in the skincare and beauty industry:
- Coffee can help reduce inflammation (think, puffy eyes!) and caffeine constricts blood vessels (think, slimming!)
- Coffee can temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite (a study done by the University of SĆ£o Paulo found a 17% reduction in the size of cellulite cells)
- Ground coffee is an excellent and gentle exfoliant
- Coffee is an antioxidant, it can help bring impurities out from the skin
- The scent of coffee can invoke powerful positive memories and joyous feelings (read more about scent marketing here---there is a fresh brewed coffee scent available for the Scent Linq!)
Not sure where to start? Here are our most popular coffee products both for services and of course, retail!
*you can make your own face, mani/pedi and body scrubs*
POURELLE COSMETICS Espresso Coffee Reaffirming Peel Off Mask
*simple and effective, this mask will have your clients skin looking and feeling fresh and smooth within
Ikonna Cafe Mocha Pedicure Foot Masque
Ikonna Cappuccino Mineral & Dead Sea Salt Pedicure Scrub
This line is amazing with both professional and retail packaging available, with many options including Kopi Coffee
Ritual Alami Massage Butter for Body & Bath
Ritual Alami Cleansing Soap Bars
Again, creativity is key when marketing treatments...think about what you, your friends and your clients would want to see and experience. Why not offer coffee parties in March complete with service options, add -ons, coffee drinks and treats!