As 2017 quickly comes to a close, we are all looking forward to 2018, and all the New Year will bring. For business owners, often, the dream is peace and prosperity, and Pure Spa Direct is here to help!
Our clients have been talking to us about upgrading their equipment - either to replace older models, or to add new modality to their treatment menus for the new year - and there is no better time than now! We offer competitive pricing on equipment and furniture to fit every budget!
We are offering a fantastic Financing option that allows approved buyers to finance their equipment and make no payments until 2018! Get started with your new equipment during the busy holiday season, and bring in the profits before you even start paying it off!
Financing is a great option for many salons and spas, because by performing a few treatments a week with the equipment, you will cover your payments, and remain cash-flow positive through the process. If you have been thinking about adding hydrofacials, microderm abrasion, or microcurrent to your facials, or even if you are interested in a new treatment bed, we can help with that!
You can feel free to apply for financing right on our website (/Articles.asp?ID=272) - and you can receive an approval notification within 30 seconds! You can also contact our friendly Sales Staff during our regular business hours of Monday through Friday, 8:30am - 5pm at 800-434-0018 if you have any questions, or if you would like to hear about equipment that other businesses JUST LIKE YOURS are seeing great success with!
'Tis the Upgrade Your Equipment!