A few clients this week have been thinking about bringing some new menu items to their holiday menu. Here is one to entice your clients senses and keep their skin super soft!
Holiday Cinnamon Scrub
For the scrub:
In a rubber mixing bowl, combine the following:
1/4 cup of sucanat
3 tablespoons of grapeseed oil
1/4 teaspoon of clove powder
4 drops of cinnamon essential oil
6 drops of mandarin essential oil
Once these have been mixed well, place the bowl in a hot towel cabinet or mud warmer until ready to use.
In another rubber mixing bowl, combine 1 tablespoon grapeseed oil with 2 drops of cinnamon essential oil and 3 drops of mandarin essential oil. Place this in a hot towel cabinet or mud warmer until ready to start the treatment.
A great way to start the service is by offering a dry brush add on (or just build this into the treatment cost) and giving the client the brush to take for home use. You can also use exfoliating massage gloves (also a great item to retail or give to clients) instead if you prefer.
Start off with the scrub and apply as you normally perform body scrubs - be sure to check in with the client to ensure comfort at all times. Once finished, if you have a vichy shower, drench the client for about 10 minutes or so to remove all product. If you have a shower, have them rinse off.
Once all product has been removed, finish off with a light massage with the warm oil.
Just In Time for the Holidays - Santa Scrub!