Don't waste time with cuticle nippers that can't do the job! Take a look out our best sellers, with the best feedback!
For the newbies: Jaw size refers to the cutting surface. The longer the jaw, the more cuticle cut with each action. Smaller jaws give finer control to work close to the cuticle or on smaller nail beds.
Mehaz Cuticle Nipper 1/4 Jaw
This is the perfect nipper for trimming cuticles and hangnails with precision. Stainless Steel. Smooth double spring lap joint.
Antoine Cobalt Inox Stainless Steel Cuticle Nipper - #16 Full Jaw by Antoine de Paris
Made of stainless cobalt steel for durability. Manufactured of the strongest stainless cobalt steel for durability. Always the first choice of nail techs due to its sharp blade and long life.
Stainless Steel Flat Slant Tip Cuticle Nipper
Although lightweight, this cuticle nipper is powerful and extremely durable! This sharp 1/4 jaw cutting edge cuts cuticles with accuracy. The handles are designed to fit comfortably in your hand. The flat slant tips of the cuticle nipper prevent you from poking your skin while cutting. Sometimes the tip of the cuticle nipper is too sharp and it can be painful if you accidentally poke yourself. That's why this cuticle nipper was developed...for protection. So if you are someone who requires extra safety while cutting, this cuticle nipper is for you. But just because the tips are flat doesn't mean the cutting edge is not sharp. The edge is still very sharp and can cut overgrown cuticles effectively. Precise and sharp, these cuticle nippers will last you a lifetime!
Cuticle Care