As a perpetually cold person, having someone touch my skin with cold hands is startling and uncomfortable.
Any time I received a massage and the therapist had cold hands, that was the last time I went there. Harsh, I know, but true. That initial jolt of cold when the opening effleurage started, would amp every nerve in my body up and I would spend the rest of the time trying to get back to a relaxed state. It ruined the massage for me.
Do you have clients who are sensitive to cold? Are your clients coming in for any sort of treatment that may cause relaxation? Do you simply want to provide the most comfortable and memorable experience for each of your clients?
Bottle warmers are such an easy and effective way to keep lotions and oils at the perfect temperature to have your clients breathing sighs of relief the moment it hits their skin. From single bottle warmers all the way up to four bottle capacity, you'll always be ready to go.
Cold Hands and Your Sales