I'm a huge fan of retailing...both from a profit standpoint and as a customer- I love to buy things. Now, I don't actually enjoy shopping (thank goodness for online shopping!) which makes me the perfect impulse buyer. If I am getting a massage and the office offers anything at all to sell, I will look and more often than not buy. Sound familiar? Many impulse items are bought simply because they are in view. Add on the fact that people will pay more for convenience, as well as quality, and you are in a perfect setting to make profit.
Most people I know who retail items mark them up around 50-100%. Think about that for a second....you can double your business profits by offering the right retail products! Simply having items for clients to view, even sample and having a nice variety (not just complimentary!) will get you going.
Okay so that was the money green...now for the green product that every business can retail, no matter what niche you're in.
I recently read an article on upcoming product trends and multi functional products are on the rise. People no longer want to have 6 or 7 different items especially things to lug around. Here is one great line that fits the bill...Moisturizing Balm by Eco-Fin. 4 different scents that match the Eco-Fin Paraffin Alternative line (which if you aren't using this as an add on, you need to start! Takes no time away from your regular service and is easy to use) at an incredible price point.
These tiny tins of amazing are made up of natural ingredients such as shea butter, coconut oil, beeswax, essential oils and/or natural aromas. So why are these so great, aside from being all natural and the perfect size to keep in your bag or pocket? Think of these tins as moisture bombs...They are hydrating and gentle, which means they can be used on dry hair ends, lips, cuticles, knees, elbows, and feet.
Put these bad boys in a little basket by the register, leave a few out for samples and watch your clients gather them up!
Green Is Good---In More Ways Than One!