Hey, waxers! I am hearing that Brazilians are the top waxing service provided. How are you educating your clients about preparing for their waxing services?
I hear from professionals who are struggling with their retail sales, and if you're a waxer, it is so simple to increase that. Not only will it help your business, but it will help with your client's satisfaction. A client who doesn't know a lot about waxing or skincare, may not know there are things they need to do to prepare for service and to practice after their service!
Spring is fast approaching, and now is the ideal time to prepare!
Exfoliating gloves are an effective, cost-efficient simple way for your clients to exfoliate prior to coming in for waxing, and will help your clients get the most out of each service!
My top pick is the Fantasea White Exfoliating Gloves!
They are inexpensive, and can be given to new clients, and retailed for existing clients. Yes, they carry these at local pharmacies, however, your loyal clients would much rather get them from you, believe me!
They gently buff away dead skin cells and impurities to leave skin smooth, healthy and vibrant. It can be used with gels, soaps, scrubs, and/or exfoliants.
We also offer items like exfoliating scrubs or body brushes to help with the exfoliation, and offer some options for your clients!
As many as 60% of people suffer from ingrown hairs. Wouldn't you like to offer a viable solution to a problem so many of your client's likely encounter?
Mancine offers pre and post waxing products that afford exceptional results, as well as our #1 selling wax retail line - Ingrown Zone.
Ingrown(zone) Hair Serum
A powerful but gentle serum with soothing aloe vera and witch hazel. Super concentrated to quickly
and effectively draw out stubborn ingrown hairs and soothe and calms the skin, prevent itching. Use before and after hair removal on the body only. Unisex formula, suitable for men and women. Great for razor rash, skin blemishes, and pimples. With soothing aloe vera!Ingrown(zone) Triple Action Post-Depilatory Lotion
The lotion is naturally formulated with active ingredients to reduce the appearance of unsightly ingrown hairs and bumps associated with hir removal, while also slowing hair growth. The natural botanical helps the skin feel refreshed and moisturized after waxing, Actually slows and softens future hair growth so waxing becomes easier and more comfortable. Unisex formula, suitable for men and women.
Ingrown(zone) Cream
Ingrown Zone Cream is a spot treatment for the treatment of ingrown hairs, and is by far the most effective product I have ever used!
A gentle, easy way to prevent and treat ingrown hair on the face, legs, bikini line and underarm. Scientifically formulated with tea-tree oil, resorcinol, bromelain and vitamin A. Ingrown Zone helps reduce inflammation and swelling of the hair follicle that can occur as the result of hair removal. Natural anti-bacterial agents prevent infection. Built-in moisturizer and exfoliant leaves the skin feeling soft and smooth. Convenient size, safe and easy to use anywhere. Unisex formula, suitable for men and women. Also a very effective treatment for razor rash, skin blemishes, and pimples.
Pro Tip: Purchase some sample jars, and offer new clients samples of the products, with a pair of exfoliating gloves. They will see the change in the results immediately!
Waxing: Down There Care!