Recently, Waxing the City, a national franchise of waxing studios, polled 1,429 adults regarding their waxing habits. Their findings might be quite helpful to your spa or waxing business when trying to find the best marketing campaign for your clients.
They found:
- 90% of waxing clients are women
- However, the numbers of men waxing is steadily increasing, with chest, back, eyebrow, and "manscaping" services being the most popular
- 1 in 10 waxers get a Bikini or Brazilian wax
- The largest share of Brazilians fell into the 18-24 age category
- As women age, they focus on waxing the more visible areas (eyebrows, chin, lip)
- Eyebrow waxing is the leading waxing service in the industry
What does this mean for your business? How you market your waxing services should be customized around your client demographic. If you see mostly younger clients coming in for waxing services, advertising your Brazilian and bikini services prominently will appeal to your clients. If your client base is an older crowd, you might want to focus more on the visible areas such as eye brow waxing. Also, if you are seeing a larger male clientele, don't forget about them!
If you are not offering waxing services at all - why not? Check out Pure Spa Direct for the largest selection of wax, waxing supplies, and waxing products. We even have some great waxing retail products that will help boost your profits even more!
Popular Facial Waxes
Elva Rose by Cirepil
Visage Facial Wax by Cirepil
Novatherm Hard Wax by Epillyss
Popular Body Waxes
Sensor Depilatory Gel by Epillyss
Forte Wax by Cirepil
Pomegranate Jojoba Ultra Film Wax by Mancine
Popular Bikini/Brazilian Waxes
Blue Wax by Cirepil
Intimate 4 Stripless Wax by Cirepil
Strawberry Hot Wax by Mancine