Each year, Aveda, a leading company in the beauty industry, launches their annual fundraising campaign to celebrate Earth month. This year, Aveda has committed to raise $5 Million - topping their $4.6 Million raised and donated to Clean Water Groups in 2012!
According to www.SpaTrade.com, Aveda is again launching their Appointments for Clean Water Campaign, which allows Aveda guests in participating spas, salons and retail stores to experience skincare, body, and hair treatments, and have a portion of their service fee donated to Aveda's Earth Month fundraising.
To locate an Aveda Earth month Leader location (Aveda locations that lead the way in Earth Month activities, and meet and exceed their fundraising goals), check out http://www.aveda.com/locator/index.tmpl.
We all live on this planet. Even the smallest effort can help bring about big changes. As Chuck Bennett, vice president of earth and community care at Aveda says, “At Aveda, the bottom line is about more than numbers. Care is in our DNA, and we are thrilled to reward our people for giving back, providing them the chance to see firsthand the impact their work has made in the lives of others.” How can you give back during Earth month?
Earth Month at Aveda: Commitment to Raise $5 Million For Clean Water