Waxing is huge, and that doesn't seem to be changing any time soon. Another huge trend are tattoos! What do they have in common? Tattoo waxing, of course!
I know, I know.....but hear me out!
Waxing is a great prep for tattoo application, but there is a new sought-after waxing trend that will begin gaining popularity. Add it to your service menu now to get ahead of your competition!
Why wax tattoos? According to Skin, Inc. (https://www.skininc.com/treatments/hairremoval/Wax-That-Tatt-505569081.html), 40% of millennials have tattoos, women are more likely to be tattooed than men, and the tattoo industry is a $3 billion dollar industry. What does this mean? Your clients are most likely tattooed, and will most likely be happy for you to offer them a new service they didn't even know they needed!
What does tattoo waxing do? Although traditionally, waxing is for hair removal, using a hard wax will also remove the top layer of dead skin cells. Dead skin cells can make a tattoo look faded, so waxing can reveal a brighter, revived looking tattoo! A word of caution, though - make sure the tattoo is FULLY healed prior to waxing over it!
Looking for a great wax for tattoo waxing? Look no further than Cirepil's newest wax, Boudoir. This innovative wax is hypoallergenic, ideal for sensitive and fragile skin. They recommend this wax for tattoo preparation, after-care, and maintenance!
Looking for the Trendiest Service to Add to Your Waxing Menu?