We've all heard the phrase Spring cleaning. Many people associate Spring with the beginning of warmer weather, flowers, brightness and the ever popular, spring cleaning. When did you last change up the scents you have wafting throughout the business? Does your waiting area remind clients of warm cozy winter thoughts or crisp, clean, carefree feelings?
How many times have you walked by a restaurant and the smells wafting out have made your stomach growl with sudden hunger? I can't walk passed a coffee shop without turning back if the scent of fresh brewed coffee escapes their door! Can you relate? Do you want people walking passed your business to have that same response? If you do, here are some favorites from our clients across the world this season:
Graprefruit Essential Oil
Orange Essential Oil
Lime Essential Oil
Basil Essential Oil - yes, you read that right :)
Tangerine Essential Oil
Ylang Ylang
Jasmine Essential Oil
Mix your own blends for a signature Spring scent or find the perfect pre-mixed blend!
Spring Is In The Air - Time To Update Your Aromatherapy!