Algae is commonly seen as that annoying, gross slime that we try to remove from our pools each year. However, did you know that tons of beauty products are actually loaded with it ? But waiiit!.. before you go running to your spa pantry to impulsively throw away all of your products, let's take a look at the benefits this seemingly gross sludge actually has to offer! According to an article I read on it, there are plenty. Since beach season is on the horizon, you might want to consider adding an algae face mask treatment to your spa! It's a great seasonal treatment your clients will love.
What are the beautifying benefits of algae? Check them out below!
Due to its high protein and fatty acid content, algae can help boost collagen production which keeps the skin elastic and firm - all characteristics of youth, which can help in anti-aging. We have a great Seaweed Algae Peel Off Mask by Pour Elle Labs which can be an effective product to use during an algae facial treatment at your spa.
Because algae is a plant and water-based by nature, its components can help to moisturize and even purify the skin. This can also reduce the appearance of fine lines an wrinkles because of its strong hydrating properties.
Research has found that blue-green algae has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which makes it effective in treating your clients who are prone to acne, eczema, and even psoriasis! To get started on your algae facial treatments, you might want to consider purchasing our Warm Clay and Algae Masque Kit by Amber!
Convinced that this sea plant is more than just annoying green pool stuff?! Click here to see all of our algae products to get your spa prepared for a beautifying deep sea treatment just in time for summer :)
It's Not Just Slime! The Beauty Benefits of Algae