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Your Clients Are On The Go - Sell Them Things to Help!

Your Clients Are On The Go - Sell Them Things to Help!

People are always on the go these days. From family vacation to business trips, airports are rarely empty.

When a client mentions they are getting ready to leave, are currently travelling or just got back from travelling - you have a perfect transition to retail.

If they're getting ready to leave, how are they taking care of their skin while away?
If they're currently travelling, what are they using now as their go to travel plan?
If they just got back, what did they use and were they happy with the results?

Three easy approaches to offer some travel kits, along with some fun options. You can educate them on the importance of keeping up with their routines while away and help them find the best products for their skin concerns. They will be appreciative of your care, which will lead into increased retail sales.

You can opt to go with kits packaged by the manufacturers, make your own kits ahead of time to match your business, or have something like a "choose your own kit". For that kit, pick however many items you select for the from for the client to fill a travel cosmetic bag. You can even tier it with a small, medium and large bag, whatever works best for you!

Here are some of favorites of clients of ours from across the world:

Some client favorites for individual items to create your own:

You can throw whatever type of product or product option, sizes or skin condition you like!

Grab some travel cases to put everything in and start talking to clients!

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