One of the most important responsibilities you have as a massage therapist is to care for your massage table linens. Linens covering massage tables are unique in their usage, since aside from just covering and protecting your bed, they are splashed and stained with oil on a regular basis. And we all know how much fun it is to remove oil stains!
As a business owner, you want to ensure that you are getting the best wear out of your linens. But how do you effectively remove the stains and prolong the life of your sheets? Follow the below tips to get the most out of your massage linens:
Wash Daily
I know, laundry is not my favorite task either, but in order to effectively remove oil stains from massage table linens, washing daily is crucial. Massage oil often goes rancid quickly, which sets the stain in further, and also makes your linens smell like French Fries after a while...gross! If you are unable to wash daily, store your unwashed linens in black plastic bags (like garbage bags), sealed against air and light to keep any oil residue from going rancid.
Pro Tip: Keep hand towels close by while performing a massage or body treatment to avoid using your linens to wipe off excess oil!
Pre-Soak Stains
As soon as your client leaves your treatment room, inspect your sheets for oil stains (it is easier to check while they are still on the table, rather than once they are bundled up ready to be washed). Treat any stains you find immediately using either your regular linen detergent or a degreaser (such as Dawn dish soap).
Laundry Tips
For badly stained linens, wash twice to remove the oil stains. Wash with warm (not hot) water to avoid setting in stains, and rinse in cold water. If you have stubborn stains, you may want to consider adding bleach or a non-chlorine bleach additive in the second washing to rid the remaining oil from the linens. Our favorite detergent is the Lotus Touch Always Fresh Detergent, which is a professional-strength, biodegradable detergent that has be specifically formulated to break down massage oil stains. This detergent is great for use as a pre-soak for those stubborn stains as well!
Drying Tips
Never dry your sheets in the dryer unless you are sure all oil has been removed! Drying the oil not only sets the stain, making it even more difficult to remove, but it can also be a fire hazard! When drying, throw 2-3 tennis balls in the dryer with your sheets - this will fluff them up and help them dry more evenly. If possible, line dry your sheets to extend their life.
Protect Your Investment: Caring for Massage Linens