It's no secret a side effect (or bonus depending on how you look at it) of the holidays is all of the excess. Over indulging in food and drink...all of the things we save until the end of the year to celebrate.
Before you know it, your clients will be running through your doors begging for detoxifying and slimming treatments to combat all the holiday excess. Are you prepared???
Here are some of the hottest treatments at spas and salons around the world to get you going:
Minna Pressotherapy Air Pressure Slimming / Detox System by Silver Spa
This bundle of joy aids in fat breakdown, detoxification, relieving tension and helps promote blood and lymph flow---which means elimination of toxins! This will be the best holiday gift you can give your business this year!
Desert Mineral Detox Body Scrub - Anti-Cellulite Formula by Extended Vacation
If you read our blog you know how obsessed we are with this. The favorite and signature item of the Ritz Carlton, you cannot afford to not be using this. 100% natural and easy to use in body treatments and a great retail item!
Body Detox part of the Amber Serum•ology Collection
Chock full of powerful ingredients like Ichthammol and Bee Pollen! This serum will relieve congested pores and stimulate cell turnover while calming the skin down at the same time. This is incredible with a Sedona Mud wrap!
Detoxifying Body Mask
Neroli Oil (which smells heavenly!) and zinc help pull out impurities and relax your clients stress away!
Meishida Lymphatic Air Pressure Massager Weight Loss / Detox System
If you are looking to be THE detox specialists in your area, check this system out. Everything you need to offer the highest quality detoxifying and weight loss treatment!
Remember to not only focus on the traditional holiday treatments but to think ahead and offer the post holiday stress and detox ones as well!
Holiday Detox Treatments!