Sleep....something most people these days are not getting enough of. Clients coming in for any service, are coming in to also get away from the craziness of their daily routines. I read an article recently on some spas offering sleep themed services to help their client's get even more relaxation out of their visit. Some were even extending hours on certain days, offering services in darker lit rooms. Even for the ones who were offering their sleep services all day long (you never know what clients work schedules may be!) having services designed to enhance sleep is an awesome way to pull new client's in.
Now for the scent part which, is one of the most important things for me when I enter ANY business, especially a spa. For now, we'll focus on scents that will help he overall relaxation experience which in turn, will allow the client to go home and snuggle into bed. Here are some of the top essential oils that your client's will be dreaming of:
Essential Oil Blend - Peaceful Sleep by Now --with chamomile, lavender and sandlewood (plus more!) you cannot go wrong with this blend. It's the warm fuzzy blanket you had as a kid, in a scent.
ESS® Relaxation Oil Blend - I have this in the diffuser in my bedroom right now. It's an interesting blend of earthy and calming scents. If you are looking for a scent that will make your client's ask where to buy it...this is it and you can retail it!
ESS Roman Chamomile Pure Essential Oil - a tried and true favorite for relaxation
Lotus Touch Relaxation Essential Oil Blend
Check out the full line of essential oils here!
Also, have some eye packs to retail to your clients and for use in services!
Scentual Sleep - Aromatherapy Time!