Move over carpel tunnel syndrome, an issue becoming more and more common is text neck. Yes, exactly as it sounds - neck issues stemming from tilting your head down to look at your phone/tablet.
Whether this is an actual medical term or not, text neck is a real problem facing a majority of people. Many clients may not even know the reason for their neck pain, shoulder pain and other issues (headaches are a common complaint!), only that they are in pain.
You can attract a new set of clients or, introduce current clients to new services by simply advertising "Texting Relief" or something much more clever! It gives you an opportunity to educate clients about coming in for massage regularly to alleviate text neck symptoms. It allows you to introduce busy clients who may not have time (or want) to come in for a full hour service. Offering an express massage focused on the head, neck and shoulders, is a perfect remedy!
Be sure to incorporate some deep muscle therapy relief like Biofreeze, Sombra or Mother Earth Polar! Also, relaxing aromatherapy blends, hot/cold packs for use in service and for retailing are key to have on hand!
Here are some awesome items to consider:
Headache Relief Essential Oils
Corpak Hot/Cold Pack with Strap Trisectional - this is amazing for text neck!
Still Point Inducer
Neck Wrap
Head, Neck, and Shoulder Massage DVD
Soothing Touch Muscle Comfort
"Text Neck" A New Trend In Massage