Every radio and television station is filled with adds for Black Friday and Cyber Monday which are almost upon us. Still rather new, in it's fourth year, is Small Business Saturday. Many folks think of their local mom and pop retail stores but it is also an excellent opportunity to draw in new client, new awareness in your area and to create some excitement in your business in general.
I've spoken to a few people in the industry who are starting to think of ways to capitalize on this new shopping holiday. If you've never thought about how you can benefit from Small Business Saturday, or are looking for a jumping off point...here are some ideas.
Many local newspapers offer free advertising, which is always an easy way to get the word out. A simple ad showcasing your business and even offering a new client discount is a free way of getting someone in the door.
Window banners and/or signs out front are a great way to catch street traffic. I would have a banner in the window near the holidays that said Massage $49.95 in GIANT letters. This was enough to get people in the door out of curiosity. This enabled me to show the potential client everything we offered aside from the massage special.
In the spa/salon advertise a Small Business Saturday special or event. You can host raffles, giveaways, special packages for existing and new clients. You can make it as big or small of an event as you like.
If you have the resources, grab some air time on a local radio station or local television channel.
Offer your existing clients a special deal where if they bring a friend in on Small Business Saturday they each get a complimentary add on or gift; whatever is best for you.
Set up a special holiday retail section in your business. If you feel like offering a one day sale or promotion even better! Here are some great gift options:
Mani/Pedi Pack (you can fill this pack with any items you like such as nippers, toe nail clippers, orangewood sticks, buffing blocks, nail files and Super Duper Mini Pumice Bars. You can have them customizable too! the more creative the more appealing it will be to your clients!)
My favorite items for gift packs (as well as receiving them!) are the Extended Vacation retail line. You can offer everything individually or offer them as sets.
CND Scentsations line offers different scents and sizes
Click here to see more great holiday gift ideas for warming up!
As always, with a little creativity you can bring awareness to your community, your existing clients while having fun and increasing profits!
Small Business Saturday---Don't Miss Out On Getting Yourself Recognized!