The time is quickly approaching for the World Massage Festival held August 4-7th in Long Beach California aboard the Queen Mary!
This is a great event to gather and meet other therapists from around the world and participate in discussions as well as classes. They offer so many classes you can actually earn up to 24 CEU's during this festival! Classes range from business education to hands on modalities, so there is something for everyone.
There are also many different vendors with free samples of the latest products and lines on the market. If you have a product line you can also register as a vendor to take advantage of a wide variety of people you may never otherwise have the opportunity to connect with. This is a great opportunity to see new massage products you may not have heard of before. If you are in a rut, using the same products day in and day out, but looking for a change, the World Massage Festival will get your blood pumping about massage again!
There are different pricing options available to fit different needs as well as financing options.
Another great perk is the dining and accommodations aboard the Queen Mary: luxury and learning all in one package! REGISTER NOW!!!
No matter what stage of your career you may be at, this is definitely an event everyone can walk away with something special with!
World Massage Festival 2013