It seems for one reason or ten almost everyone experiences some form of brain pain at some point. Whether it's a stress headache or a full blown migraine, brain pain can seriously affect your routine.
If you've ever experienced a migraine then you know the pain, light sensitivity and nausea they bring. It can sometimes be difficult to hold anything down, including pain relief medicines. Thankfully there are other options to help ease the suffering. A new favorite of mine that has been working wonders for me this past week is the Lotus Touch Headache Relief Essential Oil Blend. Just a few drops on a tissue sitting on my desk so I can smell it while I work has been a life saver. Now, my first thought when it was suggested I use this was NO way- I'm already nauseous from the migraine - I'm not smelling anything. After a while, I was desperate, so I gave it a shot. The combination of extracts was not overpowering at all and not only started to calm my nausea and pain down, it also relaxed me. It did not completely cure my migraine but I was able to continue my day as usual. This is great for days when you have back to back clients and can't afford to be off your game. It also is a wonderful retail item - no matter what type of services you provide!
Some other great options to ease headache pain (for both you and your clients!!!) include:
HeadachEase Herb Tea 20 Tea Bags by Health King Enterprise / 20 Bags
Core Headache Ice Pillow ( I'm obsessed with this lil guy- the ice pack hits the pressure points on the base of the skull that help with headache pain of all kinds)
Cold Marble Stone Set for Migraine Therapy- why not offer some specific treatments to increase revenue!
Cold Stone Therapy for Migraine Headaches DVD- great video to learn how!
Keep some on hand for yourself or your staff....and be sure to keep extras on hand to increase your bottom line by retailing to your clients!
ALSO - if you're dead set for the traditional relief methods we have got you covered too!
Sinus Headache Caplets
There's no need to let a headache or migraine cost you money! You can keep up your regular pace and even make some money retailing any of the above products!
Brain Pain Slowing You Down? Don't Lose Money Because of a Headache!