Pure Spa Blog Posts!
December 11, 2024Soft Flex Wax
ItalWax's Soft Flex Wax is created for hair removal on larger areas, like the arms, legs, and back.Soft Flex Wax has a high plasticity and is applied in a super...
Vanilla "White Wax" - Ultra Flexxx by Mancine Professional
It's was here all the way from Australia - but it didn't last a day! Thanks to savvy spa owners and waxing professionals our Mancine Ultra Flexxx white wax sold...
Guess What's Back... Back Again... Mancine Professional Wax!
Thousands of Spas & Salons mourned the disappearance of Mancine Professional Wax from the U.S. market. Mourn no more! Pure Spa Direct has cut out the problematic middle men and...