Pure Spa Blog Posts!
November 16, 2024Mastering Lash Perm: Tips and Techniques for Estheticians
Lash perming is one of the most effective ways to offer clients long-lasting, beautifully curled lashes without the daily effort of curling tools or extensions. As a licensed esthetician, mastering...
Retail for Lash Care!
It's all about the lashes. Clients are coming to you for lash tinting, lifting, perming, or extensions. How are your clients caring for their lashes at home? We have some...
Just Added! New Lash Perming Kits Offer Huge Profits
Just added to the Pure Spa Direct lineup - Refectocil Lash Perming products! Available in starter kits for convenience and affordability, these lash perming kits are just what you need...