Pure Spa Blog Posts!
December 18, 2024Upgrade Your Facial Services with Amber Products' Firming Alginate Facial Mask
If you're looking to give your client's skin a little extra love, you might want to consider adding a new facial mask to your services. And if you're in search...
5 Reasons Why Microdermabrasion is a Must-Have Spa Service for Smooth, Youthful Skin
As we start the new year, it's important to remember that simplicity is often the key to success. This is true in many aspects of life, including spa services.While it...
Have You Checked Out Our New Look? NOW Mobile-Friendly!
You asked - we listened! The all-new Pure Spa Directwebsite is better than ever - and easier to use, too! All of your favorite spa and salon categories and products,...
ISPA's Most Interesting Man In The World... And He's Not Holding a Tecate
Today I read that ISPA will be hosting Mike Walsh as one of their Keynote speakers for their October 2014 conference in Las Vegas. Who is Mike Walsh? I looked...
LIKE Us On Facebook!
Pure Spa Direct has had a Facebook page for a while, but recently we decided it was time to step up our Facebook presence. The way we figure - if...
Who knew? Pinterest is fun!
Pure Spa has had a Pinterest board for a while, but a few days ago, our customer service manager Tara decided to kick us all in the butt and get...
Addicted to Additives
CND Additives are addictive this week. I wasn't sure exactly what these were so I checked out the video on PureSpa.com and could not believe how these additives transformed a...